Easter: thriving or dying?


Blossoming flowers. Chocolate eggs. A nice roast dinner. Easter sounds perfect, but is the holiday losing its popularity amongst the younger generations.

Don’t get me wrong, I love an Easter egg. Waking up to see how much chocolate I am capable of eating until I feel sick.  But when I ask my friends, they don’t seem that bothered. 

The origins of the Easter celebrations come from the Christian idea that Jesus was crucified but came back to life three days later, symbolising new life. This coincides with the season of Spring’s arrival into the year, with flowers popping up, lambs being born and the Sun starting to shine again. 

But has the novelty of this idea worn off?

With the endless growth of social media and technology as a whole, are we starting to lose our appreciation for such ‘trivial’ things? Information is always at our fingertips. If something sad is on the news, we can watch something to make us happy at the touch of a button. 

Now, I don’t have evidence to back this up - but from simply watching those around me, I can see the effect that this has had on not only their attention span, but their mental health as well. 

I love my phone. Don’t think I could live without it (sadly). But, that doesn’t mean the wool is over my eyes when evaluating the pros and cons of such incredible technology. 

Easter seems like an impossible topic to link to the debate about screen-time, but with the holiday inching closer and closer I’ve noticed the lack of interest anyone has for the celebrations. 

I don’t have a solution for this ‘problem’ but through this article, I am hoping to have brought some of the novelty of Easter back. Family time, fresh air, food to die for! What’s not to enjoy? 

No matter your religion, Easter celebrations are for all!