A NORTHALLERTON man has conquered one of sports ultimate challenges.

Rorie McIntosh, a 25-year-old graphic designer, spent seven months training for Ironman UK, a long-distance triathlon event comprising a 2.4-mile swim, followed by a 112-mile bike ride and a full 26.2-mile marathon.

He completed the challenging course at Sherborne, Dorset, in a time of 11 hours 48 minutes 57 seconds for 257th place out of 1,200 finishers in the gruelling event.

Rorie, who represents the new Darlington Traithlon Club, only took up the sport this year and had completed only one previous race, the Cleveland Steelman, over half the Ironman distance.

His big challenge started with a 6am lake swim, which was delayed for 20 minutes C with all competitors in the water C because the race referees decided it was too dark to navigate.

Once the swim got under way, the crush of bodies was so great that McIntosh received a painful kick on the calf that caused him to cramp up a little and saw him also nursing his leg during the bike section.

With the swim completed in 1 hr 12 mins, McIntoshs biking pedigree came to the fore on the rolling rural course which he completed in 6 hrs 10 mins 36 secs, averaging an impressive 18 mph.

On to the run, a three-circuit course including forest trails, where McIntosh felt comfortable on the opening lap, but found the last two a tough endurance test.

He was delighted to complete the standard marathon distance in 4 hrs 19 mins 6 secs and crossed the line proud but exhausted.

My immediate reaction after finishing was never again, he said. But after a few days to think about it, Im now looking forward to another long-distance challenge in 2009.

Darlington Triathlon Club, formed only two months ago, has just recruited its 40th member and trains at Longfield School, Darlington, on Sundays at 5pm (intermediate and advanced swimmers) and 6pm (development swimmers).

Coached run sessions follow and bike training is also being drawn up.

ñ For more information about the club contact Graham Bell on 07976-702028.