Sir, – I have read (D&S letters, Jan 7 and 14) a number of comments from various councillors about Independents and their role in local councils.

It is a fact that the Redcar and Cleveland Labour council has been held together for four years by various so-called Independents, most of whom have received some benefit, such as cabinet posts.

Nothing wrong with this of course, but in my view it reflects what local councils have become, a nice little earner for people “who want to do public service”.

The main political parties have for years controlled local councils in the Teesside area, but it is a sad fact that the services and infrastructure are still years behind other areas.

When you reach my age, you tend to lose colouring in your glasses, things become less rose-tinted and much clearer. It has been obvious to me and many others that independent councils are the only fair way to let the people have their say. No politics, no following the party line, just clear heads looking after the interests of the people who elected them.

To stop any misuse of positions, there should be a simple rule change, both in national and local government, to say that if you cannot agree with your party policy and you change sides, you resign first and an election should be called.

Surely, if you vote for a person who follows a group then you expect them to follow the group wherever it takes them. It is their choice to change, not yours.

JAMES COOPER Prospective Independent Candidate Marske by the Sea.