Sir, – While it would be an outrageous generalisation to suggest that all MPs are thieves, liars and cheats, it would be reasonable to aver, on the evidence available, that many (including some from our region) are selfserving, arrogant crooks.

I am disappointed, dismayed and disgusted at their attempts to cover up their wrongdoings by arguing that they are above the law. It is hardly surprising that the public no longer trusts most of our representatives in Parliament.

The shenanigans by MPs came as no surprise, but I was shocked to learn of the serious allegations made against our chief constable and his deputy.

If they are guiltily involved (and I hope they are not) a strange and ridiculous state of affairs would exist for North Yorkshire residents.

The law makers in Parliament are discredited and the upholders of the law in the county would be similarly corrupt.

Words fail me.

TERRY HANCILL Tunstall, Richmond.