VOLUNTEERS and staff from several North Yorkshire libraries have received awards as a result from this year’s Summer Reading Challenge.

The national challenge which has taken place in libraries across the country attracted just under 10,000 children from North Yorkshire with 82 per cent of them completing it.

The scheme encouraged school children to read six books over the summer holidays whilst collecting rewards for doing-so along the way.

Councillor Greg White and executive member for libraries said: “Every member of staff and volunteer across all 42 libraries in North Yorkshire worked incredibly hard to encourage children to read over the summer, because they know how important it is for children to get the reading habit and the lifelong benefits reading for pleasure can bring.

“The number of children taking part is the highest in the region, which reflects well on the work of all those involved to ensure that everyone is welcome and that reading and literacy are encouraged. It’s great news that children is North Yorkshire remain passionate about books and reading when there are so many other things competing for their time.”