A Darlington metal detectorist has unearthed a rare 380-year-old cannonball from the Civil War era.

Mark McMullan, 50, has shown off another large haul that he collected in the fields around Bishop Auckland.

This time he found his third Civil War era cannonball along with a 1889 Victorian silver shilling.

He has permission from farmers around Darlington to search their fields and this time he struck lucky.

Within the first few hours he had already collected a range of historic finds.

Darlington and Stockton Times: The full haul from Mark's search

Mark said: "Given the glorious sunshine, I thought I would take out the 'magic wand' across a couple of County Durham permissions near Bishop Auckland and it didn't disappoint.

"Continuing on my Civil War hot streak, I managed to bag yet another 380 year old cannonball.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Bovine tags

"Given my growing collection, I'll be able to start a small war soon although I may need a bigger cannon.

"I also discovered a beautiful 1889 Victorian 'Jubilee head' silver shilling, triple bovine tags and 27p in spendable money.

Darlington and Stockton Times: 1889 Victorian 'Jubilee  head' silver shilling

"Who says you cannot make your millions metal detecting?"

The Civil War in Britain lasted from 1642 and 1651 as King Charles I and Parliament waged war.

Around 200,000 people were killed in the duration of the conflict, which at the time was 4.5 per cent of the population.

There were a multitude of reasons for the conflict including disagreements on religion, the king’s use of power and his economic policies.

In 1649, the victorious Parliamentarians sentenced Charles I to death and his rival Oliver Cromwell ushered in an era of Republican rule.

You can follow more of Mark's finds on his Facebook page - The History Hunter.