Hundreds of people enjoyed a weekend of activities as Richmond Swimming Pool celebrated its 48th birthday.

The charity that runs the pool put on a series of events on Sunday, May 19.

The day started with an aquafit class by Emma Blackmore, while Water Babies provided baby and toddler swim lessons.

Richmond Triathlon Club followed by offering taster sessions and swim analysis. Before lunch it was time to get the giant inflatable out as more than 50 youngsters navigated an assault course.

A birthday cake in the form of a replica swimming pool was provided by Wendy from Granny’s Kitchen  before Cllr Kevin Foster delivered an upbeat speech about the value that the pool brings to the area. Representatives of St Martins Parish Council then cut the cake.

Darlington and Stockton Times: The inflatable obstacle course in the pool proved popular

The afternoon started with a session from Richmond & Dales Swimming Club, and the last hour was a family swim in support of the Magic Tenner campaign run by the Original Richmond Business & Tourism Association.

Other events included a breakfast and lunch barbecue from the Nutrition Hut, supported by Masham Cider Press, and a mini golf competition, while Liberty Health Club opened its doors for free sessions throughout the day. 

Darlington and Stockton Times: Soaking up the atmosphere at Richmond Pool's 48th birthday celebrations

The open day was supported by Richmondshire Museum with photos of artefacts, and Access to the Dales put on two guided walks to showcase the charity's rugged all terrain scooters.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Access the Dales put on two guided walks from Richmond Pool

Austin Gordon, the Leisure Trust's general manager,  said: "It was a great day, seeing so many happy faces. I am grateful to our customers, staff, clubs, partners and volunteers for making the day a success.

"The benefits of keeping active cannot be over emphasised while supporting local is so important as it enables local services to flourish."