Darlington's Labour prospective parliamentary candidate Lola McEvoy launched her election campaign today promising to champion workers' rights and state-of-the-art mental health services for the town.

Addressing dozens of party workers in glorious sunshine at the clock tower in the town's South Park today (Saturday, May 25)  Lola said: "It's on. We have a date for July 4. The country has a chance to vote to change - and boy do we want it.

"It’s been 14 years and five prime ministers. We had David Cameron, the architect of austerity who cut our public services and our local council to the bone.

"We had Theresa May trash our global reputation being hamstringed by the extreme of her party. Then we had Boris Johnson who crashed us out of the EU without a plan and partied during the pandemic, leaving the door open for Liz Truss, who crashed our economy spectacularly in the shortest term of any Prime Minister in history.Darlington and Stockton Times: Labour's Darlington candidate Lola McEvoy launches her election campaign in the town's South Park

"And finally, we have Rishi Sunak and, as we know, he’s overseen the worst cost of living crisis for our town in a generation."

She added: "We can do better, we will do better and we must do better. While the national polls make us all feel good and fluffy inside they do not reflect the task we have on the ground in Darlington.

"It falls to us to convince people that while we know and they know they want to change, it is Labour that will deliver that change for them here.Darlington and Stockton Times: Labour's Darlington candidate Lola McEvoy launches her election campaign in the town's South Park

Ms McEvoy said she would champion workers' rights adding: "If we win I will champion state-of-the-art mental health services for people in our town - for our men, mothers and children.

"There are too many of us facing the brink of crisis point and if we win I will be a champion for public money for social good because it’s our money and it should be spent on benefiting our communities.

"The Labour Party has a plan for a decade of economic renewal. We have a plan to fight for a brighter future for our town on a brighter future for all of us - that future starts today that future starts now and that future starts with us."Darlington and Stockton Times: Labour's Darlington candidate Lola McEvoy launches her election campaign in the town's South Park

Speaking to The Northern Echo, Ms McEvoy said: "We are not complacent. We are fighting for every vote at the doors.

"What we have here is brilliant turn with fantastic people who are struggling and door by door across the turn I’m speaking to people.

"And for all different reasons, people from different backgrounds are all reaching the same conclusion - that it is time for a change and it’s my job and it’s the Labour Party’s job over the next six weeks to reassure them and convince them that the Labour Party can deliver that change for Darlington.Darlington and Stockton Times: Labour's Darlington candidate Lola McEvoy launches her election campaign in the town's South Park

"I am confident that we have a plan to make things better and a future that we can all be excited about."

She added: "The Tories ultimately have lots more money than we do they have put a lot into their campaign already and they’re gonna fight dirty.

"They have already started making attacks personal attacks - that’s not what I’m about.

"I believe that people of all parties go into politics for good. I believe that people are good otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do this job.Darlington and Stockton Times: Labour's Darlington candidate Lola McEvoy launches her election campaign in the town's South Park

Darlington and Stockton Times: Labour's Darlington candidate Lola McEvoy launches her election campaign in the town's South Park

Darlington and Stockton Times: Labour's Darlington candidate Lola McEvoy launches her election campaign in the town's South Park

Darlington and Stockton Times: Labour's Darlington candidate Lola McEvoy launches her election campaign in the town's South Park

Darlington and Stockton Times: Labour's Darlington candidate Lola McEvoy launches her election campaign in the town's South Park

Darlington and Stockton Times: Lola McEvoy launches her general election campaign in Darlington's South Park.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Lola McEvoy launches her general election campaign in Darlington's South Park.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Lola McEvoy launches her general election campaign in Darlington's South Park.

"It is not easy being a woman standing in your hometown but I’m doing it because I believe in better for our communities and our town and it is time for a change and I really hope that Labour can deliver it for people.