A Darlington chippy is set to close after the owners said the landlord has ‘big ideas’ for the building.

Hurworth Fisheries in Hurworth, Darlington, announced earlier this week it will be shutting down the friers and closing its doors for good.

No closing date has been confirmed for the popular takeaway as of yet.

The owners said they came to a “mutual agreement” with the landlord who has “big ideas” for the building.

In a Facebook post the owners said: “There has been lots of rumour around the village recently so I thought I'd let everyone know.

“Hurworth Fisheries will be closing. The landlord has big ideas for the building but sadly they don't include a fish and chip shop.

“Just to clarify - we're not being kicked out; we came to a mutual agreement.

“We have no final date just yet but never fear the food and service will be a good as ever until the end. Please continue to support us while we're still here.”

Disappointed customers reacted with sadness on social media.

One said: “That is just such a shame. Huge loss for the Village, you will be very much missed. Hope you move on to new ventures, bigger and better.”

Another added: “So, so sorry to hear that. If you are going to open somewhere else, please let us know. We always enjoyed your Parmo’s they were first class! Hopefully we will get chance to see you before you close.”