Yorkshire Water has announced it is spending £370,000 in two projects to reduce the number of storm water discharges into the River Ure and a tributary.

The work in Boroughbridge and South Stainley, North Yorkshire, will include upgrades and enhancements to the sewer network reduce to the flow of surface water into combined sewers during periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall.

The projects include:

  • £230,000 to upgrade the Langthorpe storm overflow at Market Hill, Boroughbridge to reduce discharges into the River Ure.
  • £140,000 at South Stainley, between Ripon and Harrogate, to upgrade and install a new valve and sealable manhole covers to prevent river water entering the sewer network, and cut discharges in Stainley Beck, a tributary of the Ure.

Work expected to begin this month at South Stainley and in June at Langthorpe. 

Sarah Harper, project sponsor at Yorkshire Water, said: “We are committed to improving watercourses across Yorkshire and are investing £180m by April 2025 to reduce storm overflows.

“We’re also committed to transparency and recently launched an interactive map on our website so customers can quickly understand the live status of all of our overflows across the region.

"The map updates in 15-minute intervals and provides details on the current status of the overflow, as well as the most recent discharges from the overflow, helping people understand our operations and enabling them to make informed decision on when they enter the region’s rivers and coasts.”