A fundraiser for a young football fan with a rare form of cancer has raised £30k after Middlesbrough FC fans donated £1.3k at Saturday’s match against Watford.

We told in March how otherwise ‘happy and healthy’ two-year-old Henry Barber had been diagnosed with a ‘nasty’ form of cancer neuroblastoma.

The disease affects about 100 children in the UK each year.

A fundraiser set up earlier this year has now hit £30k after Henry’s uncles Matt and Anth decided to take on a marathon to raise awareness of the rare cancer. It initially raised £10,000 in just 24 hours.

He has already undergone several rounds of chemotherapy, high-dose chemo and surgery to remove a tumour from his abdomen.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Henry has still been smiling despite his diagnosis.Henry has still been smiling despite his diagnosis. (Image: FAMILY)

On Saturday, at Middlesbrough’s final home game of the season against Watford, Henry was introduced to the fans ahead of his next round of treatment.

But the ‘brave’ little lad, who loves dinosaurs and cars, has been undeterred and smiled and waved to fans throughout the ground.

A bucket collection held at the Riverside ahead of the match raised £1,342 to support the toddler.

Dad Patrick said: “It has been a truly overwhelming response and we are so grateful to everyone who has contributed.

“It was an amazing day for Henry and our family at the Riverside, and one we won’t ever forget.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Henry has undergone chemo, surgery and high-dose chemo.Henry has undergone chemo, surgery and high-dose chemo. (Image: FAMILY)

“Thank you to all the Boro and Watford supporters who made a donation to the bucket collection, as well as anyone who has donated via the online fundraising page or elsewhere.

“Henry is now getting ready to undergo the next round of his treatment, and it means so much to us knowing what incredible support we’ve got from people across Teesside and even further afield.”

Patrick thanked the supporters at half time for what has been an incredible response to the family’s appeal.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Dad Patrick previously said he couldn't believe how brave his little boy has been.Dad Patrick previously said he couldn't believe how brave his little boy has been. (Image: FAMILY)

Combined with funds raised at a recent Q&A event with Boro chairman Steve Gibson, organised by Fly Me To The Moon editor Rob Nichols, the bucket collection has tipped the fundraising total past £30,000.

Speaking previously of his diagnosis last September dad Patrick, a teacher from Teesside, told The Northern Echo: “It was absolutely terrible - just staggering.

"He’s a happy, healthy young boy and he was having a fantastic time at nursery.

“Neuroblastoma is very different with every child. I was aware of Bradley Lowery, but I wasn’t aware of neuroblastoma.

“It’s a really nasty disease”.

Anyone wishing to donate can do so at gofundme.com/henry-the-boro-fan.