Have you ever entertained the notion of starting a new hobby but never went through with it? Or perhaps you’ve made a mental note to join more social activities in 2024 and completely forgot about it? 


Fear not. You still have a chance to push yourself into being more social tomorrow afternoon at Darlington’s library. From 2:30 - 4:00 pm on the 12th March Darlington’s library is hosting an adult watercolour painting session, available to all, for any level of experience, with all materials provided!


Start a creative journey and delve into the world of watercolour - an opportunity to push your creative boundaries and perhaps discover a new hobby. And of course you can’t forget the opportunity to join a new group, meet new people and have something to look forward to on the calendar. 


The idea of joining a painting session may be intimidating, but watercolour is best known for its ease. That’s right - no special equipment, no fancy art studio needed and best of all, there’s next to no mess!


As well as the physical benefits, watercolour painting as a hobby is also known for improvements to mental health. It can help boost concentration, promote mindfulness, improve focus and reduce stress levels. 


If you don’t do it to benefit your creative side or to improve your mental health, do it for the free tea, coffee and biscuits!