A war of words has erupted between the owners of several pizza outlets overlooking each other on a narrow one-way street in a North Yorkshire market town which regularly sees numerous delivery vehicles cause obstructions.

Manor Italia, which launched a “silent kitchen” in a grade II listed building in Millgate, Thirsk without gaining planning consent in December, has accused rival firms of trying to “sabotage” its application to North Yorkshire Council to change the premises use to a takeaway.

Documents lodged with the authority feature unsubstantiated claims that the unauthorised development is costing a rival business more than £100,000 a year, that business waste is being dumped in another firm’s bins, and that the rival firms are filming or photographing each others’ alleged transgressions.

Darlington and Stockton Times: A car parked outside a takeaway on Millgate in Thirsk Picture: LDRS

The planning papers state the Manor Italia premises would be used for the preparation of food to be delivered to customers directly.

The application states: “Our proposed change of use has no negative effect on the local community or surrounding landscape.

“We believe our proposal for change of use enhances the development of Thirsk’s offering of services to the community with a modern concept seen in other parts of the UK and other more advanced countries while at the same time preserving the history and natural beauty of a great market town.”

The documents state while Manor Italia staff and delivery drivers park away from the premises, delivery drivers visiting other firms park on double yellow lines.

Darlington and Stockton Times: The Manor Italia premises, left, on Millgate, Thirsk Picture: LDRS

One letter of support for the application underlines the firm is “respecting the community by limiting congestion on Millgate by parking in the correct places as they should unlike other takeaways that park on double yellows every night”.

However, the proposal has also attracted appeals to planners to reject the application, with one letter of objection stating another takeaway in the area “is going to be a disaster”.

Another objector has told the council: “It has greatly effected my business as a fast food outlet and I am losing within the region of £2,000 per week.

“There are two cars that are consistently blocking the pedestrian footways and this is also impacting on customer access to my premises.

“I would suggest that this business operation amounts to an overcrowding and overdevelopment of food outlets within a small geographical area.”

However, ahead of the council deciding upon the scheme, Manor Italia has said it has recorded the registrations of delivery drivers parking outside other takeaways, while denying its drivers park on Millgate and stating two rival firms are trying to “purposely sabotage” its application.

A Manor Italia spokesman wrote: “It is completely coincidental that the two objections we have received so far are from other pizza takeaway outlets.”