A gap year student returned to her old school for support as she embarks on an African adventure.

Former Barnard Castle Preparatory School pupil Evie Milbank visited her old stomping ground to tell the children about her trip to Watanu, in Kenya, where she will be volunteering for the next three months.

The 18-year-old will be teaching in Bluebells School, helping eight teachers with 150 children. The school is financed by Bushbells, a social enterprise clothing manufacturer.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Evie Milbank, back left, with headmistress Laura Turner and children from Barnard Castle Preparatory School with educational resources for children in Africa

Prep School pupils heard about Evie’s trip and presented her with a host of educational resources, including paper, books, pencils and chalk, to take out for the children.

“It is a very poor area and they need literally everything,” said Evie. “While I’m out there Prep School will also be doing some fundraising for the African children, which is great.”

Headmistress Laura Turner said: “It was so lovely seeing Evie again and hearing about her gap year plans. We are thrilled to be able to help and hope to forge some stronger links with the Kenyan school to help them out in the future.

“It is so important that our children broaden their horizons and appreciate what it is like to be young in other countries. We are hoping to video call Evie in Africa and perhaps talk to some of the young people.”

As a music scholar Evie attended Prep and Senior School where she sang and played the flute.

After leaving Africa she plans to travel around Australia for six weeks before returning to the UK, where she hopes to study a business and management degree at Durham University.