Donations to an art and craft stall holder’s collection tins have helped to fund an entire defibrillator site in a market town.

Lynette Williams has supported the Heart of Richmond charity since it was founded in 2022 and during that time has seen ten collection tins filled by customers to her market pitch in the town.

The total raised, £2,345.72, not only covers the charge for the defibrillator itself but also the lockable cabinet in which the potentially life-saving device is stored, the cost to the council to install it, as well as the VAT payable.

Charity founder Lee Whitworth said: “We are so grateful to Lynette for her unwavering support.

“This means we can confirm site number 17 in just two years, an amazing result for our market town.”

Darlington and Stockton Times: Town market stall holder Lynette Williams proves she is  really at 'the Heart of Richmond'

Heart of Richmond was founded in 2022 by Mr Whitworth, an ex-forces family man, who owns A&E Harmonious Compliance Training Limited with his wife, schoolteacher Alison.

He also acts as a volunteer community responder, alongside Laura ‘Loo’ Morton and husband Dave, from Richmond greengrocery, Neeps & Tatties.

In the last two years, they have raised money to purchase and install 16 defibrillators, some of which are awaiting installation, with the 17th unit now earmarked for a site in Bargate.

Darlington and Stockton Times:

The British Heart Foundation estimates that in the event of cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces the chances of survival by 10 per cent.

Mr Whitworth said: “The support from our local community has been inspirational.

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“From corporate donors to individuals, local businesses taking collection tins and people donating their time to help make this happen, we’re truly in a position where we can provide vital equipment to save many, many lives.”

The charity is supported not only by its founders, but also by Jason Hammond, of HSF Steel, who assists with installation, graphic design by Paul Dobson, of Hartson Creative, and publicity and social media from Lizzie Turner, at Peachy Digital.

It is entirely funded through donations which can be made by businesses and individuals, with details available at