Two friends who walked the length of Britain so they could enjoy the journey and raise money for charity have completed their challenge, handing over £11,000.

Wensleydale businessmen David Broadley and Peter Blackburn, both now 62, covered almost 1,200 miles during the 90-day walk from Lands End to John O Groats.

Setting off in March, they were determined to do it at their own pace and make the most of the trip, walking no more than 15 miles a day, or for about six hours. They split the walk into two, taking most of May off for family weddings and completing the mammoth trek in July.

Darlington and Stockton Times:

They were raising money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, The Sepsis Trust and Wensleydale RUFC, which hosted a presentation for the charities.

David said they had tasted lots of different local beers and whiskey and took two vehicles including a "not very comfortable" VW transporter for sleeping. They were also backed by wives Shirley and Jenny.

Darlington and Stockton Times:

He added: "At a gathering courtesy of Wensleydale RUFC we were able to donate the money we had raised from our journey. The majority of the money had been donated through the Just Giving pages we had set up prior to the start.

"However, many people both on our journey and since our return have kindly donated directly to Peter and myself. It has been a wonderful experience walking for 90 days, covering almost 1,200 miles. The fund raising was a secondary thought. We would like to thank everyone including family, friends and customers for their generous donations and support.

"This enabled us to hand over cheques to Yorkshire Air Ambulance, The Sepsis Trust and Wensleydale RUFC. Representatives from all the charities were present to collect.

"I must say it was an amazing experience, and Peter and I stayed friends throughout. It was always one of those things we wanted to do, although I must say  it's not something we are planning to do again."