Rishi Sunak praised a thriving scouting organisation in Bedale during a visit to see it in action.

The MP called in on one of Bedale Beavers’ regular Friday evening meetings.

The group for six to eight-year-olds is over-subscribed with a waiting list of youngsters wishing to join.

Mr Sunak, Richmond MP and Prime Minister, took part in an activity where the Beavers were endeavouring to make a machine using recycled materials.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Rishi Sunak joins members of Bedale Beavers during their Make a Machine activity

He also took part in a Q&A session, fielding questions about his favourite sports and what his life was like as Prime Minister and local MP.

He said: “The group had some great ideas about what they were trying to do and it was a most enjoyable question and answer session. They have a great leader in Sarah Panton and it is no surprise that the group is so popular.”

Sarah added: “It was wonderful to see him working with the groups of Beavers on this project and they clearly loved being able to ask him questions about his life and work.”

Bedale Scouts and Guides runs seven groups, including the Beavers, from the purpose-built Scout and Guide headquarters in Emgate which was opened in 2014 by Mr Sunak’s predecessor as local MP, Lord Hague.

More information about the groups, and how volunteers can help with scouting, from www.bedale-sg.net.