Police officers who provided lifesaving first aid to seriously injured drivers after three cars crashed in North Yorkshire have been recognised with an award.

Temporary Sergeant Dale Darby, PC Steven Bambra and an officer who asked not to be named are based at RAF Fylingdales in the North York Moors and have been recognised with Defence Police Federation Excellence Awards.

On the morning of Wednesday, October 26, 2022, Temp Sgt Darby was parked at the gate of the base when he said he saw a vehicle “flying through the air” and end up on the moors out the corner of his eye.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Temp Sgt Dale Darby and PC Steve Bambra have been recognised for their actions

“I immediately hit the blue lights and drove up towards the accident,” he said.

One car 'completely destroyed' another 'flipped through the air' 

When Temp Sgt Darby arrived on the scene he said one car had been “completely destroyed”, another had left the road, and a third was on the moors after he had seen it “flip through the air”.

The sergeant called for more police units and blocked one side of the road with his vehicle to protect the crash site.

“I ran back to the crash site and one man was walking wounded, so I got a member of the public to wait with him,” he said.

“I came further down and the other cars were absolutely destroyed.

“There were bits of car everywhere – tyres, engine blocks, everything.”

Two cars had crashed head on, badly injuring the drivers, a young man and a young woman, who were both trapped in their vehicles.

A fire engine from RAF Fylingdales arrived on the scene, along with Temp Sgt Darby’s colleagues, including PC Steven Bambra.

Darlington and Stockton Times: RAF FylingdalesRAF Fylingdales (Image: Matt Clark)

Temp Sgt Darby directed the firefighters to look after the young woman while PC Bambra carried out first aid on the young man.  

The constable said the man’s body was “pretty motionless” but his eyes were open and he was able to communicate.

As chance would have it, a paramedic was driving past and attended to the injured young woman.

The paramedic asked Temp Sgt Darby to call for an air ambulance and it arrived within 30 minutes.

Both seriously injured drivers were cut free by the fire service and taken to hospital.

The young man had head injuries and back fractures and the young woman had multiple broken bones including her pelvis. Both made full recoveries.

The woman received emergency blood transfusions on the side of the road. 

In total there were three Ministry of Defence Police units, seven fire engines, four ambulances, an air ambulance and several North Yorkshire Police units. The road was closed for seven hours.

'They are literally life savers'

Eamon Keating, chair of the Defence Police Federation, said: “We are so proud of this terrific trio and their work that day. They are literally life savers.

“They are so deserving of their awards.”

The officers will be recognised at an awards ceremony in Southampton on Thursday, November 16.