Classical Cleveland has prepared a dual-strand series of concerts for the autumn.

The established concerts at Stokesley Methodist Church continue on the first Thursday of each month. In addition Classical Cleveland has launched a new series at Redcar's Tuned In Centre.

"We are really pleased to be able to present a fresh series of concerts at Tuned In because we know that there is an audience for classical music across Redcar and East Cleveland," said concert organiser Peter Sotheran.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Tuned In Centre, Redcar

The season opened on October 5 with Daniel Jacob-Ormson and Maria Matveeva, a new flute and piano duo at Stokesley Methodist Church, and is followed on Wednesday, October 18, when Russian born pianist Maria Matveeva returns as a piano soloist with a programme of Liszt, Chopin and Debussy.

On November 2, Tianu (Tony) Shi, a multi-award winning guitarist from China plays at Stokesley Methodist Church with a programme that includes Bach, Barrios and Scarlatti. The following week, on Wednesday, November 8, Chinese pianist Kwok Ka Ching (Winnie) plays three works by Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Schumann at Redcar's Tuned In Centre.

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Chinese born pianist Siyi Dai, who has won prizes at festivals across Europe and America, plays a programme of Bach, Beethoven and Ligeti at Stokesley Methodist Church on Thursday, December 7. The following week, Yorkshire guitarist Christopher Godhard wraps up the autumn season with programme featuring music by Bach, Rodrigo and Takemitsu at Redcar's Tuned In Centre on Wednesday, December 13.

Tickets for each concert cost £10 and are available online (search for Classical-Cleveland) or at the door. Concerts at Stokesley start at 1.30pm and those at Redcar at 2pm. For full details and advance information, email