PERMISSION has been granted for the change of use of a former accountants' office, at 1 to 3 Otley Street, Skipton, to create four flats, two with parking spaces.

The proposal is to revert the building back to residential use which would require only internal alterations and create no impact on the conservation area.

The officer's report read: "The scheme proposes two, two-bedroom flats, and two, one-bedroom flats. While the housing need within the district is predominantly for 3-bedroom homes, there is an identified need for one and two bedroom homes.

"With a shortfall in the current provision of one and two-bedroom properties, the mix at this small-scale development is considered to be acceptable. The proposal represents a highly efficient use of land, whilst maintaining the character of the area as found earlier in this report.

"The proposed density and mix of the scheme is considered to reflect the need of the local community and the proposal complies with CLP Policy SP3 and NPPF paragraph 124."

Conditions with permission include: "Vehicular parking as shown on the approved plans shall be made available for use before units three and four (first and second floor flats) are first occupied and retained as such thereafter."