EVERY year Bainbridge WI puts on a Christmas lunch for the older members of the local community.

This year, due to a rise in Covid infections locally it had to be postponed until April and so was renamed The Community Spring Lunch. There were 33 attendees at the lunch in Askrigg Village Hall and lunch was delivered to two residents who were not able to travel to the venue.

The Little White bus brought in residents from Sycamore Hall. A home-cooked lunch of melon cocktail, turkey with all the trimmings, plum pudding and roulade was served by members of Bainbridge WI. This was followed by entertainment from Nimmo the Magician.

A spokeswoman for Bainbridge WI said: "This is one the WI’s major community events of the year. It takes a great deal of work to plan and deliver, so thank you to everyone involved. Thank you also to Councillor Yvonne Peacock for supporting the event with funding from the North Yorkshire County Council Locality Fund."