A CAMPAIGN to keep disused school playing fields as a park for the public has moved forward after the land was earmarked as an asset of community value.

Calls have been growing to preserve the fields around the former Northallerton College as a green area or public park ever since the town centre school was closed and students transferred down to the former Allertonshire School site. There were fears the site would be sold off for housing.

Northallerton Town Council was told this week that its application to have the playing fields registered as an asset of community value had been accepted by Hambleton District Council.

Mayor councillor Phil Eames told members: "This means that, in the event that North Yorkshire County Council seeks to dispose of the fields, that the town council and community will be given six months in which to arrange to buy them. A summary of the council’s strategic plan has also been published on the home page of the website.

"I think this is an important step because it puts our ambitious plans in view of the public, these include plans for increasing toilet provision, supporting the development of the college playing fields into a public park and increasing our engagement with the community."

Moving on to discuss other matters, Cllr Eames said: "I hope the public will take an interest. Our social media presence is continuing to increase and aspects of the strategic plan and the responsibilities of the town council will be shared with the public in the first part of 2022.

"After the difficult time we had dealing with some of the reactions to Festive Friday it was encouraging to hear that a group of residents had formed a Facebook group to exchange ideas about how to improve next year’s event. We contacted the group and held a constructive meeting, a further meeting is planned for January 28 at which we will discuss the possible formation of a working group to take things forward through 2022."

The town council is supporting an Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast club which is being launched at the Buck Inn in Northallerton on January 29. Veterans looking for a bit of banter, comradeship and breakfast are invited to go along.

Members were told the town council is looking for sponsors through local businesses and organisations for planting carried out around the town from half barrels to full beds and roundabouts costing from £140 to £2,500.

The authority currently has a vacancy for a co-opted councillor.