A SPORTS club stalwart has been honoured for her work securing grants to improve facilities.

Althea Draper was presented with the Bedale Sports Club and Community Centre Askquith Trophy for 2020-2021 at a recent management committee meeting in respect of her efforts to win grants totalling £56,305 for resurfacing and floodlighting tennis courts.

Grants were received from Yorventure Mondegreen, Hambleton District Council's Making a Difference and Section 106 funds, Yorkshire Tennis and club fundraising activities.

A sports club spokesperson said: "The tennis club is really thriving at the moment with non-members being able to book an hour slot online through the club website for £8 an hour. Jonathan Saddler, an LTA level four coach is available for adult coaching throughout the week and juniors on Tuesdays between 3.30pm and 6.30pm."