A VIRTUAL meeting was held on March 8.

Village matters.– The new signage for various points en-route of the traffic regulation order on Kirby Bank is in the hands of the supplier, approval for the purchase of two 30mph signs for within the village was confirmed and the new grit bin for Hill Road has been ordered and should be installed soon. Enquiries are being made for the update of the village website and estimates are being obtained for a new noticeboard, the heavy winds having ripped off one of the doors of the current noticeboard. A new dog waste bin is to be requested for the Station Road end of the Ellerbeck Way footpath. It was agreed to defer the annual parish meeting until the meeting scheduled for May 24, 2021.

Police matters.– A written report gave two instances of anti-social behaviour, one Covid-related and one nuisance – off road bikes. There was also one report of criminal damage and one of violence against the person (not relevant to the meeting). There were also two other crimes related to drugs and two of fraud.

No further details given. With regard to fraud, residents are warned that calls in relation to their National Insurance Number have been reported. Usually this is a recorded message telling the receiver that their NI Number has been stolen or compromised and that a fee is required for a new number. Some victims have reported claims of an arrest if the instructions are not followed.

North Yorkshire Police Financial Abuse Safeguarding department has advised that if a call is received from someone claiming to be a police officer then their collar number and surname should be requested. The call should then be ended and the receiver should ring 101 to speak to the control room, who will be able to verify the officer's identity. The police will never call you to tell you there is a warrant out for your arrest and neither will the police or National Crime Agency ever ask you to move or send money.

Cllr Seymour said that a building on Hill Road had had the skylights damaged on two occasions and smashed tiles thrown into the field. Two paragliders on Carlton Moor contrary to Covid regulations had been reported. Enquiries are also being made about occupancy of caravans on Toft Hill Holiday Caravan Site contrary to Covid regulations.

Planning.– A further response has been sent regarding amended plans received in respect of the proposed dwelling on land north of Appledore, Kirkby Lane, Planning Application No. 20/01963/FUL, confirming all the parish council's previous objections to any building on this site, and stating that the minor amendments in no way mitigate the damage which would be caused to the village in its setting if this application were to be approved.

The parish council had no objections to planning application No. 21/00002/FUL as amended February 12, 2021, and this application has now been granted. Tree protection orders are to be sought for the avenue of large trees which line Kirkby Lane when approaching from Stokesley. It is considered that they form part of the setting of the village and due to proposed to changes in land ownership could possibly come to harm. Hambleton District Council's enforcement team has been approached in respect of the works being undertaken in the field below Toft Hill Caravan Site which the parish council think are in breach of conditions on planning permission previously granted for the site.

Finance.– Payments have been made for the clerk's salary and expenses, verge cutting and printing ink. Payment was approved for the 30mph signs, the grit bin and grass cutting. The bank balance was confirmed as £10,803.59 as at March 5 2021.

Date of next meeting.– Monday, April 19, 2021, via Zoom.