THE owners of Escrick Park Estate have a vision for a new community fit for the 21st century and inspired by the character and architecture of North Yorkshire’s towns and villages.

In response to the inclusion of land south-west of Escrick in the latest stage of Selby District Council’s new Local Plan consultation, the estate, which owns the land off the A19 between York and Selby, has started to draw up ideas for a new community called Heronby.

The Heronby vision envisages a community of just over 4,000 homes on a site of about 200 hectares. The site is outside the green belt, has good access to services and employment, and is almost entirely within Flood Zone 1, which has the least likelihood of flooding.

Beilby Forbes Adam from the Estate, said: “For more than 350 years, Escrick Park Estate has played a key role in shaping the built and natural landscape of the area.

“As we look forward to the years ahead, we realise there is a pressing need to provide good-quality, attractive housing that people can afford and in an environmentally-sustainable way. But we do not want to build a faceless, rootless dormitory village with an absence of community and a fixation on the car.”

Integral to the development of the plan has been the creation of a walkable community with a mix of affordable and open-market homes, set within green spaces for recreation and sport, alongside business premises and schools. Heronby would be based around a high street and market square, and there would also be new neighbourhood centres offering facilities close to homes.

The Heronby plan provides an opportunity to improve the ecology of Heron Wood, which sits within the site. New, native trees and shrubs would be planted to increase the biodiversity of the area. Most of Heron Wood is designated as PAWS, meaning a Plantation on Ancient Woodland Site.

The estate will support, and where possible facilitate, the construction of a new bypass, helping to alleviate many of the existing traffic issues in the village of Escrick, which is on the A19 between Selby and York.

Mr Forbes Adam added: “Heronby will take many years to deliver. Our plans are still at an early stage and we would like to start a conversation with local people, sharing ideas about what Heronby could deliver and how it could benefit its neighbours, as well as its residents.

“Covid-19 restrictions mean we can’t meet the community face-to-face to discuss the proposals at the moment, but we have set up a website for people to learn more about Heronby, and to offer us their thoughts." The website can be found at

In due course, they intend to hold a consultation where they can discuss ideas and alter and improve the plan.

The Estate has appointed a project team to help develop the Heronby proposals, including Brooks Murray and Turnberry Consulting.