AGRIPLUS, the Stokesley-based machinery dealership, recently attracted more than 50 farmers to a working demonstration day.

Hosted by A & R Wilson of Hall Farm, Nunthorpe, it showcased a range of Maschio cultivation and mower machinery. In addition to its power harrows, the Dama box drill and Alitalia combination drill also proved of particular interest.

Rob Stevenson, Agriplus managing director, said: “Many farmers already have a Maschio power harrow, so the fact that the Dama and Alitalia can quickly and easily attach to it using a three point linkage is perfect.

“The Alitalia is suitable for larger tractors and is well suited to drilling hilly land, because it’s an air drill it can always ‘pick’ the seed up and there’s no risk of missed rows. It’s also easy to calibrate and has a flexible metering system.

“The Dama box drill is an ideal entry-level drill. It’s designed so that even on steep land the gravity-fed system ensures consistent delivery.”

Mr Stevenson said Maschio power harrows, had a machine suitable for all sizes of farm, from basic general purpose machines to fully automated.

“There’s something for everyone whether smaller farmers or large scale contractors,”

he said, “Extra heavy power harrows like the Orso are particularly well suited to the stony soils around here and the double skin on the bottom half of the transmission trough offers good stone protection.”

Also featured at the open day were two Maschio flail mowers, the Giraffa and the Tigre, both suitable for small to medium tractors.

Mr Stevenson said: “The lefthand offset medium duty Giraffa is ideal for verges and ditches.

The heavy duty Tigre has a more universal appeal and is suitable for cutting grass, crop residues and shredding branches.

The hammer flails produce a finely worked material at a fast rate.”