• Pull out the dead outer leaves of phormium and divide congested clumps
  • Give topiary the first clip of the year
  • Prune ornamental currant (ribes) after flowering to control their size and vigour
  • Trim back the dead flowerheads on winterflowering heathers
  • Sow parsley, dill, coriander and thyme
  • Continue to seed or oversow worn areas of the lawn
  • Push fertiliser pellets into the compost of established water lilies and other aquatic plants growing in baskets
  • If frost is forecast, cover plants on greenhouse staging with sheets of horticultural fleece, removing them in the morning
  • Take cuttings from new growth of dahlias and fuchsias in the greenhouse
  • Watch for slugs and snails around young perennials like lupins and be particularly vigilant after rain, picking them off by hand