PHOTOGRAPHS capturing every corner of the Yorkshire Dales are on show at the National Park Authority’s Yoredale offices in Bainbridge.

The Yorkshire Dales Photographic Grid Project is a mass public venture designed by Leeds-based artist and tutor, Tom Marsh, also known as the Flat Capped Photographer.

He split the National Park into 130 areas and asked volunteers to take photographs at each point at which Ordnance Survey map grid lines intersected.

The result is a photographic document of every kilometre of the Dales.

Mr Marsh said: “When I first conceived the idea for the project, my aim was to produce a body of work that not only showed the Dales at its best but also showed off areas that were rarely visited.

"Obtaining many of the photographs has been no mean feat, as the 60 project contributors battled with unforgiving, boggy moorland and steep escarpments. In the project’s finished form, I feel the aim has been met and more.”

The exhibition runs throughout August and September (9am-5pm). Entry is free. The photographs can also be seen in an online archive at