I AM a regular user of Crown Street library in Darlington and whenever I go into the building I am struck by how popular the library is by the large number of adults and children using the services in the building.

Last Saturday at 1pm was no exception, which surprised me because it was the first day of the school holidays.

There were a large number of people in the leading library and reference library in particular.

The children’s library was full of children picking out books. A family were given forms to join the library when I was there.

Now project all this into the small space in the Dolphin Centre where the library will go, with a reduced number of staff and you get the picture that Darlington Borough Council’s decision to relocate the library from Crown Street is wrong.

This is because the level of daily users of the services at Crown Street will not be able to be accommodated in the Dolphin Centre library when they want to because it will be crowded, it will be understaffed and there will be a restricted number of resources available.

The council’s decision to move the library from Crown Street to the Dolphin Centre will therefore constitute a restriction on the ability of adults and children to information and learning.

Alan Macnab, Darlington