FROM recent television appearances, it is clear that Theresa May is expecting the voters to trust her on a number of issues without a clear explanation of what the outcomes might be.

We don’t know what the “dementia tax” cap will be; we are supposed to trust that Mrs May will make the outcome a fair one.

If a future Tory government takes powers about deciding fracking applications away from local councils and national parks, we will not be able to join in the debate and we will not know how any decision is arrived at.

Mrs May states that business rates will be reviewed but what principles will that review be based on?

Free school lunches are to be replaced by breakfasts, presumably to save money, when there appears to be no information about how this will affect children’s nutrition and mental development.

There have been no specifics on any Brexit deal with the EU, just some aggressive posturing to attract Leave supporters, without any apparent appreciation of the effects of that on the negotiating position of the EU.

Mrs May must know of the increasing number and use of food banks but we are supposed to take on trust that a future Tory government, with her at the helm, will somehow make life better for ‘ordinary working people’, while inflation bites and real wages levels decline.

John Harris, Richmond