THE Tories’ funding proposals for social and nursing care in old age are clearly in a mess. They really have not got to grips with the issues.

One of the biggest issues is bringing together hospital and social care. It makes no sense for elderly patients to stay in hospital when the costs of nursing home care are lower but there are no suitable places.

The cost of nursing care worries many people as they get older. What has not been publicised is the existence of immediate care annuities, effectively a lump sum that pays care costs until the person dies. While the cost is high, possibly over £100,000, it is fixed. It should be possible to insure against needing to pay this, for around a quarter of that cost, but that’s an issue the Government must get to grips with.

The Lib Dems propose a 1p increase in income tax to help fund the shortfall in NHS revenue and that includes social care. A further proposal is to commission the development of a dedicated Health and Care Tax, possibly as part of a reform of National Insurance contributions, so the cost is transparent.

The provision of social care in old age is a massive issue that should be addressed by a political consensus. The Liberal Democrats would set up a cross-party health and social care convention, involving patients, politicians, professional and the public to produce policies that are sustainable over the long-term.

The truth is that that solutions will be costly but who would deny the elderly the right to live their declining years in dignity? Remember that eventually it could be you that needs the care!

John Harris, Richmond