Sir, – Spectator’s Notes (D&S, April 20) really made my blood boil. It is unfounded, unsubstantiated and ridiculous comments like this that cause so many problems.

Ofsted may be a pain in the neck, but they are not stupid. It is illegal and impossible to get rid of disruptive pupils.

How does he think you can present a teacher to Ofsted who has just ‘appeared’ and taught a ‘showcase’ lesson – it may be news to him, but the inspectors do actually talk to the children, parents and governors.

His comments are based on ignorant gossip. If he wants to write about Ofsted inspections then he should try talking to someone who has actually experienced one.

As a teacher who has endured four inspections, I can tell him that each one has been completely different and based on the current Government’s “bee in the bonnet”.

In addition, each inspection, although following set criteria, broadly reflects the inspectors’ personal interests and experience.

Education staff work with an Ofsted Sword of Damocles hanging over them and many, many good quality teachers and head teachers end up leaving the profession because of the whims of an inspector.

Spectator – stop waffling and get your facts right.

MARGARET WEBBER Hutton Magna, Richmond Editor’s note: Spectator would like to point out that he was not stating as fact the ways some heads have allegedly prepared their schools for Ofsted inspections. He knows many teachers who have experienced Ofsted inspections who confirm that these allegations are not without foundation.