Sir, – Reference your report and picture of Mr William Hullah and his parking problems (D&S, may 28), he is quite right about the size and markings of the disabled bays in Northallerton High Street, but he does not make any attempt to help himself.

Your picture shows him unloading a wheelchair his wife uses, but is not bound to, very dangerously into the road.

Had he parked his vehicle the right way round by reversing into the bay, he could have safely and at a much reduced angle, unloaded the wheelchair on to the pavement.

Also as the bay slopes to the road, the way he has parked the car means that the doors will not stay open of their own accord to let him help his wife out.

The correct way round, they would.

Alternatively, he could have used the much better bays in the Applegarth car park.

C D KIRK Danes Crest, Brompton.