Sir, – As a loyal Lancastrian exiled in the Dales, I believe it’s time to give a Red Rose perspective on the current debate about extending the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

I feel strongly that the park should focus its activity within its present boundary. The North Lancashire Fells and the Howgills are very different from the core area of the park and in my view it is a pity that part of the Howgills is already included within the park’s domain.

As for extending the Yorkshire Dales title across the county boundary to the west, I hope my fellow Lancastrians will resist that with their last breath. If the great and good do decide that the park must expand this could only be acceptable if its name is altered in a way which accurately reflects the change.

The new entity should therefore be known (in strict alphabetical order) as The Lancashire, Westmorland and Yorkshire Dales National Park. I am sure such an equitable proposal would gain the support of fair-minded individuals over the whole spectrum from Mr Butterworth to Coun Blackie.

On second thoughts better to leave things as they are.

FRANK BROUGHTON Brompton-on-Swale, Richmond.