ROMANBY Golf Club started the new golfing year in brilliant spring weather with the annual Captains drive in.

A good crowd of members welcomed the incoming captains to the tee for an early morning drive in, followed by the customary mixed Texas Scramble Competition.

The club's teaching professional, Matthew Richardson welcomed each one in turn to the tee, with junior captain Melodie Goodall taking the tee first, followed by ladies' captain Julia Grainger, then seniors' captain Ian Wilson and finally the 2022 club captain Andy Langford.

All money raised on the day went to the chosen charity for 2022, Herriot Hospice Homecare.

Over the last two weeks, two events have taken place, a charity race night and the drive in, resulting in more than £1,200 being raised.

The Shotgun Start Texas Scramble was a close competition with only 0.3 shots covering the first three places. 1 Rob Kitching / Bob Patterson / Dave Blake / Bryan Russell 58.1; 2 Mark Watkinson / Trevor Craddock / Jimmy Wildon /Sandie Bellwood 58.2