CHILDREN around the region have been showing off their artistic talents in celebration of this year’s pantomime at Richmond’s Georgian Theatre Royal – The Wizard of Oz.

Dozens of decorated hot air balloons, dazzling Emerald Cities and multi-coloured pictures have been carefully created as part of a competition run by the theatre with entries from children as young as three.

“We were inundated with the most fabulous creations imaginable,” said the show’s director and writer Clare Allen.

“It was incredibly hard to pick out winners from such an array of entries and we would like to offer our thanks and congratulations to all those who took part.

“The pantomime is a big community event and we like to involve everyone – both young and old – whether as a member of the audience or by taking part in our many panto-related activities from knitting doughnuts to paper mâché and junk modelling,” she added.

The panto runs from December 7 to January 7. Tickets from £8 are available from 01748-825252.