THE Hedgerows and Boundaries Grant (HBG) has been re-launched and, following a change in the eligibility rules, it is now available to more farmers than ever.

Last year, farmers or landowners with an Entry Level Stewardship agreement or Woodland Grant Scheme were barred from applying.

But Natural England has now removed that restriction so the 2017 grant is now available to those farmers, even if it is covered by their existing agreement.

However, land in an Uplands Entry Level or Higher Level Stewardship agreement or a Mid-Tier or Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship agreement cannot be included in an HBG application.

The application window opened on February 1 and runs to April 28. Farmers can apply for a one-off grant of up to £5,000 towards the restoration of hedgerows, dry stone walls, stone-faced banks or earth banks.

As with all elements of the Countryside Stewardship Scheme, the application process is competitive and there is a limited budget available. All applications will be scored and only those with the highest scores will secure a grant.

Farmers who applied successfully last year can apply again, but businesses that have not previously received a grant will be given priority.

The standard payment rates for capital items remain unchanged and include: hedge laying, £9.40 per metre; coppicing of hedgerows, £4 per metre; hedgerow restoration through gapping up, £9.50 per metre; stone-faced bank repair, £31 per metre; stone wall restoration, £25 per metre; stone wall top wiring supplement (on walls being restored), £3.60 per metre.

Mr Morley said: "This year, successful applicants will be made a grant offer in June 2017 and, if accepted, the agreement will start on July 1. The applicant then has until December, 31, 2018 to complete the work and submit their claim.

"A competitive application will be critical in securing a grant; it is therefore strongly recommended that potential applicants seek professional advice to maximise their chances of success."