A NEW effort is being made to tighten the ties between military and civilian communities through reading.

Books procured by North Yorkshire County Council have been made available at Catterick Garrison Library.

The collection was handed to the garrison commander, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Steed, by the leader of the council Cllr Carl Les as part of the community covenant partnership.

It seeks to improve understanding, stimulate debate and broaden intellectual development across 4 Infantry Brigade and HQ North East, improving engagement with reading across all ranks and encouraging military usage of Catterick Garrison’s public library.

Lt Col Steed said: “I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank the county council and the work conducted by the Catterick, Richmond and Colburn Community Libraries Management Group for supporting this endeavour.

“I have no doubt it will strengthen the already close links between the military and civilian communities within Catterick Garrison and the surrounding areas.”