A MUSEUM’S trustees are looking into a new scheme to govern the trust property.

Such property at the Bowes Museum, in Barnard Castle, includes the museum building and surrounding park and most of its collections, including parts of the collection left to the museum by John and Joséphine Bowes.

Under proposals by the Charity Commission, the draft scheme will restore the original charitable purposes detailed in Josephine Bowes’ will and state that the establishment’s purposes are the provision of a public museum and a public park.

It will include powers permitting the disposal of items from the collection that do not form part of the core collection left by John and Josephine Bowes, and enable the trustees to regulate the museum’s opening hours and determine the level of admission charges.

A museum spokeswoman said: “The purpose of seeking to restore the express objects contained in Josephine Bowes’ will is to provide greater certainty to the Trustees in administering the trust property.”

Public consultation with local residents about the proposed new scheme is set to take place via the media, the museum’s website and its outdoor noticeboard.

Consultation will also take place with the museum’s Friends’ group, Barnard Castle Town Council, the Arts Council, Durham County Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund.