A DARLINGTON school has three reasons to celebrate this week including a glowing Ofsted report and a pledge by its successful headteacher to continue in his role.

Pat Howarth, principal of Hummersknott Academy, was due to retire at the end of the year but has vowed to stay on until at least September 2014 to help steer the school towards becoming a multi-sponsor academy.

The news comes in a week that Ofsted rated the school ‘good’ with some outstanding features and which saw the appointment of a new vice principal, James Keating, the former deputy headmaster of Hurworth School.

Mr Howarth, who has been at the helm of Hummersknott since 2003, said: “I’m delighted with the Ofsted report and I’d like to say a big thank you to staff and students who have all contributed to the success of the school.

“It is also with great pleasure that we welcome such a respected figure as James Keating to the role of vice principal.

“I am looking forward to working closely with James in his new role.

“I am also pleased to be able to serve Hummersknott Academy Trust for this extended period.”

Mr Howarth’s decision to stay on was influenced by Hummersknott’s ongoing preparations to become a multi-sponsor academy which will see it partner and support other schools in Darlington.

It is currently working with its first sponsor academy, Skerne Park.

Mr Howarth was personally praised in the school’s latest Ofsted report which stated: “The principal has led the academy with tenacity, humility, purpose and a passion for success.

“He has been able to secure sustained improvement due to diligently introducing rigorous checks on teaching and learning across the academy and by distributing leadership across all levels with a high degree of success.”

The report also described Hummersknott students’ behaviour and attitudes to learning as “exemplary”.

The school’s new vice principal Mr Keating said he was “delighted” to have joined Hummersknott.

He added: “It is a role that will be challenging but exciting and it represents a real opportunity to help develop Hummersknott as a multi-academy sponsor.”