NORTH Yorkshire’s new police commissioner has backed the easier deployment of mobile speed cameras to communities that request them.

In one of her first moves as Police and Crime Commissioner, Julia Mulligan pledged to make it easier and quicker for local communities to get speed monitoring vans in their area. This week she welcomed the police’s backing to the commitment.

The pledge came on the back of a report which looked at further improving road safety in the area.

As part of that report, it was confirmed that there will be an expansion to the safety camera van initiative with two extra vans being deployed from Easter next year, bringing the total in the county to three.

Any additional revenue from motorists caught will be invested into local road safety projects.

Mrs Mulligan said: “We will also be able to continue supporting the successful road safety partnership – 95 Alive - by reinvesting money raised into new schemes designed specifically to save lives. Not only will this investment address community concerns about road safety but it will also enable the partnership to continue their effective work in casualty reduction.

“I am also responding to the very many people concerned about speeding by asking the police and their partners to make it easier to bid for the safety vans in local communities.”

Assistant Chief Constable Iain Spittal added: “With the introduction of the two additional safety camera vans next year and investment into the 95 Alive partnership, we firmly believe our roads will become much safer for residents, workers and visitors to our force area.”