WHETHER I agree or disagree with any tree felling in Snape avenue, near Bedale, is not the purpose of this letter (D&S Times, Sept 30).

There are about 10 gaps left by trees that have been felled or blown down out of about 70 originals planted about 1830.

I can see no sensible reason why young lime trees about two metres high could not be planted in these gaps, and in any future gaps that may emerge, and I believe at least four trees have been replaced over the years.

Two of the recent surveys stated that the rows of trees don’t restrict the growth of each other and some of trees planted 25 years ago are almost as tall as those from the original planting.

Also, trees do most of their growing in the spring before the leaves emerge to restrict any sunlight to the new lime saplings.

Finally, in 50 years time, the residents of Snape will be pleased we had the foresight to replant in the avenue because by then most of the remaining original trees may have died or blown down.

Linton Gaunt, Snape, Bedale