WHILE travelling to Northallerton last week, I was horrified to see that the last remaining green field in in the centre of Morton-on-Swale had been utterly destroyed and turned into yet another building site.

David Cameron in a speech said the protection of greenbelt was paramount, a commitment made in the Conservative party’s 2015 manifesto.

We need stronger protection for the greenbelt, not just supportive words and empty promises.

Villages are losing their unique character so surely local councils should make it a priority to pinpoint brownfield sites rather than making a mockery of government pledges to protect our countryside, Our greenbelt is invaluable to stop urban sprawl and provide a place for people to enjoy. It seems councils are altering greenbelt boundaries just to accommodate land owners who want to make a quick buck and don’t care about the area in which we live.

If people want hundreds of houses, I suggest they go and live in a city.

David Gilpin, Well, near Bedale