NAPOLEON and Germany (twice) tried to unify Europe through force. Millions of our forefathers died preventing them. What would they all think if we were to just roll over and submit now to this Empire of Stealth that is the EU?

Make no mistake, if you vote to remain you are leading the country into what will ultimately become the United States of Europe, with the UK one of its federated states.

This means embracing the euro, contributing personnel to the European army, having our laws made in Europe (David Cameron removed a bill from the Queen’s Speech which would have given our laws precedence over the EU’s), a yearly membership fee of billions and millions more immigrants from an ever-expanding EU.

The PM says he will veto Turkey`s entry but we can’t believe Mr Cameron’s promises.

The Remainders have not produced one single worthwhile positive reason to stay in – it`s all what `might` happen if we leave, and if share prices etc do fall in the short term (which, of course, is what they fear most – personal losses). Then it will be because they have continually talked this country down.

On the other hand, after Brexit we can put the Great back in Great Britain, which the government has in effect removed. Not in a militaristic sense but as leaders in every other aspect. We can have tariff-free trade deals with any country we wish, we can make our own laws again, we can control immigration and have an extra £8bn every year to spend as we wish on our own people. What is not to like about any of that?

I think the most telling fact is that if we vote to leave there is no one of any consequence who will campaign to rejoin but if we stay in there is a rising tide of resentment and outrage throughout the country which will not be stilled.

It all boils down to whether you feel you are British or you feel you are European. I know which way I will be voting.

Denis McAllister, Leyburn