I AM delighted to see that Masham has at long last got a brown sign by Junction 50 on the A1 (D&S Times, Apr 8).

Back in 2000, when I was chairman of the Upper Wensleydale Business & Tourism Association, we requested help from our Richmondshire District Council Tourism Officer and MP to gain brown signage from the A1. We were told that it would cost the Highways Agency a mere £35,000, so nothing happened as no local authority had the funds.

Before then I had seen that Weardale had brown signs on the A1 at Junction 58, for the A68, and repeater signs in West Auckand for Weardale.

These signs are now well worn, hence indicating the length of time they have been promoting the area.

Since then Scotch Corner has had erected signs for “Historic Richmond” when travelling southwards.

So why not Wensleydale?

It needs brown signs at either Junction 50, alongside Masham, and/or Junction 51 for the A684.

When travelling along motorways in different parts of the country small nature reserves are signed, so why not the huge Yorkshire Dales National Park, and Wensleydale?

I shall be writing to our new MP, Rishi Sunak, hoping he will support this significant area, as well appealing for national status for the Coast to Coast long distance footpath. Is this us up North missing out yet again?

I hope your readers will appeal to their local councillors, businesses, and MP, and let us campaign for these signs while the Highways Agency is still upgrading the A1.

Kate Empsall, Askrigg