IT has been interesting to read the coverage in the D&S of flooding issues over the last few weeks.

There have been some very pertinent issues raised in both articles and letters, especially about natural flood defences around Pickering, and the impact that landowners and the Internal Drainage Boards could have.

If these measures were adopted within the whole of the Great Ouse catchment area (which obviously includes Brompton, near Northallerton) it is possible that the devastation in York could have been reduced.

Unfortunately, today’s news quickly becomes tomorrow’s history and it is imperative that this is not allowed to happen. The inactivity for prevention, exhibited by the authorities (the Environment Agency, the county council, the district council and others) which should be involved in some sort of pro-active manner is woeful!

How about the D&S having a regular feature on flooding issues, which could be a voice for all of the local floodrisk communities, reporting on plans, aspirations, issues faced and occasionally problems solved?

It could also cover policies and plans the authorities might have and report on their stand-point. Media coverage is essential on this subject as in all cases, prevention is more cost effective than the cure.

Peter Wright, Brompton