NOW that 195 countries have at least agreed in Paris to aim to reduce carbon emissions, I would appeal to D&S readers – particularly those who are not already finding satisfaction in making their own energy-saving efforts – to see what they can do.

They would then almost certainly be helping to alleviate suffering due to the increase in extreme weather events around the world, related to our man-made carbon emissions.

There are so many ways in which we can all contribute: turning the heating down a bit and wearing thicker clothing, investing in better building insulation, getting out of the car and using public transport when it suits the journey, avoiding leaving appliances on standby.

These things have frequently been said but many are often not done.

LED light bulbs with tiny power consumptions, not to be confused with “low energy” fluorescent tube types, are now inexpensive (even the pound shops have them), offering also a very substantial electricity bill saving.

Owners and managers of stores, offices and public buildings can ensure that their heating and air conditioning are not excessive.

Incidentally, I plead guilty – we all have to live and can only do so much, but there is satisfaction in finding ways in which we can contribute to the energy-saving effort.

If anyone feels motivated enough about these things to want to get together as a local group to share ideas about energy saving, climate change and related environmental matters, please email me at

Peter Hale, Climate-Concern UK, Darlington