Sir, – Having read the Skeeby Parish Council report (D&S, Oct 31) I would like to say that Cllr Heseltine has "let the cat out of the bag", and confirmed what I have long suspected, he is powerless to influence the County Council Highways Department. We are controlled by an unelected dictatorship at County Hall, this being democracy, North Yorkshire style. The sooner a fresh, clean and fragrant wind blows through County Hall the better.

He is still claiming “misinformation and inaccuracies, some of which have been published repeatedly in the local press over the last two months”. Well, he accused me by name (D&S Times, Aug 8) of such behaviour but, when challenged (D&S Times Aug 15) he failed to respond, being unable to do so because it was untrue.

He thanks those who have rung him to support the stance which has been taken – how many, I wonder? This is at variance with my experience of speaking to a great number of people in the district who are, without exception, appalled by the speed humps.

It was said that full-width speed tables could not be fitted as it was a main A-road. Incorrect. There are two full width tables in Victoria Road, Richmond, which is the same A6108 A-road. Incidentally, full width speed tables would at least get rid of the lethal tyre inner shoulder wear, which is my primary concern, and speeding buses and trucks etc.

It was said originally that the speed cushions were installed to allow the emergency services to negotiate the road through the village without having to bump over speed tables. It is interesting to note that there has been no adverse comment from the emergency services to the Victoria Road, Richmond, full width speed tables (the one nearest the cricket field is horrendous), and they have been there for some years, way before the 20mph speed limit was introduced, and ambulances do bump over the Skeeby cushions as can be clearly seen from my house.

His comment: “It was suggested the small number of people present at the meeting who were against the speed cushions indicated that the majority of residents were quite happy ” is absolutely ridiculous. This horrendous situation also affects many more people than Skeeby villagers, or hasn't Cllr Heseltine been reading the letters published in D&S Times in recent months?


Skeeby, Richmond.