Sir, – I was delighted to read Dr Gibbins' letter in last week's edition (D&S Nov 14). We hear all too little at the moment from those who, like me, are proud to consider themselves both British and European.

For the last few years of my full-time employment, and in a part-time capacity since then, I have worked with the European Schools on behalf of our own Department for Education and the European Commission.

I never fail to be moved by the positive values of friendship and co-operation shown by the children in these schools (fourteen or so, with some affiliated institutions as well, across mainland Europe), which bodes well for the peaceful co-existence of European nations in the future.

Politics governed by fear, recrimination and narrow-mindedness seems to have become the order of the day among many of our so-called representatives. Give peace a chance – it bears repeating.

Andrew Bennett

Thoralby, Leyburn.