Sir, – A number of billboards have appeared around Darlington advertising redevelopment schemes.

I am struck by one omission. There does not appear to be an improvement plan which would enhance the appearance of Northgate from Gladstone Street to Corporation Road.

Many of the shops on the western side are built on what were once gardens in front of beautiful old Georgian houses. A large villa of a similar size to North Lodge and a fine terrace of houses are obscured by the later shops.

I wonder if the takeaway shops on the western side could be relocated to vacant property on the eastern side and the remaining shops back as far as the Georgian terrace could be demolished?

If this was done along with sympathetic restoration of the fine old Georgian buildings, Northgate along this stretch could look magnificent just in time for the bicentennial of the railway in eleven years’ time.

The old technical college, at one time central school, is an architectural masterpiece. It is the jewel in the crown of civic architecture. It is located right opposite the building where the original Stockton and Darlington Railway Company was formed.

Let us make Northgate look a fitting pedestrian route from the town centre to the railway museum ahead of 2025.

I had the privilege of showing a group from Leeds Civic Society around Darlington last year. They saw the possibilities to improve Northgate along this stretch at once.

They were particularly interested in the Bonomi rail bridge on John Street.

I am reassured to see there are some improvements planned. Are these ambitious enough I have to ask? The world will be watching us in 2025.

NIGEL F BODDY Fife Road, Darlington.